Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lemon Basil Mojito

Clearly from my last few posts you can tell that I’m OBSESSED with herbs. One of my favorite herbs is basil, I eat it almost every day. It’s just one of those flavors that says “its summer”. If you know me at all you know my favorite alcoholic drink is a mojito. Last year I started making basil mojitos and they are a refreshing change from mint mojitos.  I always have a ton of basil in the summer so they are more convenient for me, especially on a Friday night after a long day at work. This time I didn’t have limes so I used lemons, which worked well because I also had lemon basil.
3-4 slices of lemon
A bunch of basil (I used lemon and Italian basil)
2 tsp natural sugar (You can add more if you like it sweeter)
A shot or 2 of your favorite rum (I probably used 2)
Seltzer or Club Soda
Get a big glass, one that won’t break. Add the lemons, basil, and sugar and then muddle. If you are like me and do not own an actual muddler, use the back of a wooden spoon. The sugar will dissolve with the juice of the lemon and it will also bruise the basil, which will release the flavor. Once you have muddled the mixture fill the glass with ice, pour in your shot of rum, top with club or seltzer, and give a stir. Mojitos are so light and refreshing and are the perfect way to start a weekend. On a side note the pictures all came out blurry. I guess I should take them before I start drinking!

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